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谷歌浏览器插件zShare 社交运营工具 可定时分享到社交网站

办公助手 chrome插件网 扫描二维码分享

zShare 是社交运营的好帮手,这款chrome插件支持选中网页文字分享到社交网站,当然图片也可以的,鼠标停留在图片即可显示zshare的按钮,点击即可分享到社交网站,插件还提供了一个贴心的功能,定时功能,这个就比较厉害了,拿来做社交网站的运营工具都可以了。

zShare – The easiest way to share content on social media.
With zShare, you can share great content to social media networks directly from your browser. The extension adds an icon next to the navigation bar through which you can draft, schedule or publish content you visit on the web as per your convenience. You can also select the text and share it using zShare.

zShare v1.30
