• AD: 本站为第三方谷歌浏览器插件推荐网站,非Google Chrome官方网站。(我们不是采集型网站,而是费时费力的人工筛选推荐Chrome中好用的插件)

谷歌浏览器插件Toast 给标签页打包并分组

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Toast 是一款浏览器标签管理插件,可以给网页打包并分组。

Don’t be afraid to close tabs in browser. Save them in Toast.
You quite certainly have a few tabs open or pinned that are very useful, but not needed right now. They don’t deserve to be bookmarked, although, are too important to be lost in a browser’s reading list.
Toast is a place to save them.

The extension helps you control open tabs by saving & closing the ones that aren’t needed at this exact moment, so you can be more efficient working on one thing at a time.

There are many ways people use Toast, below are a few.
If any resonates with you, go ahead and try it. It’s free and is only 2 minutes to set up.

Toast – Save Tabs for Later v3.2.1.0
