• AD: 本站为第三方谷歌浏览器插件推荐网站,非Google Chrome官方网站。(我们不是采集型网站,而是费时费力的人工筛选推荐Chrome中好用的插件)

谷歌浏览器插件JavaScript Errors Notifier (JavaScript 错误通知的调试工具)

开发者工具 chrome插件网 扫描二维码分享

JavaScript Errors Notifier 是一款开发者工具,主要用于JavaScript 调试时的错误通知,

Notifies JavaScript errors by icon in toolbar bar or notification popup
GitHub → https://goo.gl/RBcFK8
Test page → https://goo.gl/IEXS2y


✔ Change extension icon color in toolbar when JavaScript error occurs
✔ Show error icon in bottom right page corner
✔ Show errors details by click on toolbar or notification icon
✔ Error source URL in popup is clickable
✔ Show errors details in notification popup
✔ Show errors stack traces
✔ Show errors column number
✔ Error source in notification popups is clickable
✔ Does not overrides user-defined error handler
✔ Handle console.error() calls
✔ Handle missing js/css/other missing files 404 errors
✔ Ignore 404 errors initiated by AdBlock and etc
✔ Ignores repeated errors
✔ Ignores Google Chrome extensions internal errors
✔ Error text is linked on StackOverflow search
✔ Copy errors details to clipboard

JavaScript Errors Notifier 插件下载
