• AD: 本站为第三方谷歌浏览器插件推荐网站,非Google Chrome官方网站。(我们不是采集型网站,而是费时费力的人工筛选推荐Chrome中好用的插件)

谷歌浏览器插件Houzz Save Button 随时记录点子/想法的插件(家居设计师福利)

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Houzz Save Button 是一款方便记录点子/想法的插件,任何想法都留给Houzz ,有了Houzz Save Button,每次浏览网页,你都可以从漂亮的家居设计中获得灵感。打开一个新标签,你会看到一张来自Houzz 的华丽家居设计照片。


Houzz Save Button 还允许您将其他网站的照片保存到Houzz ideabook。在网上看到你喜欢的厨房或沙发吗?只需单击按钮并保存图像,以便以后在Houzz上查看。


Save any idea to Houzz
With the Houzz button, you can get inspired by beautiful home design every time you browse the web. Open a new tab and you’ll see a gorgeous home design photo from Houzz.

You’ll view stunning kitchens, dreamy spa bathrooms, relaxing bedrooms, cozy living spaces and breathtaking landscapes.

The button also lets you save photos from other websites to a Houzz ideabook. See a kitchen or sofa you love on the web? Just click the button and save the image to view later on Houzz.

Add the Houzz button to install both features. You can easily turn off either one at any time.

Houzz Save Button v2.2.5
