• AD: 本站为第三方谷歌浏览器插件推荐网站,非Google Chrome官方网站。(我们不是采集型网站,而是费时费力的人工筛选推荐Chrome中好用的插件)

谷歌浏览器插件Screen Recorder for Google Chrome™适用于Google Chrome的屏幕录像机

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Screen Recorder for Google Chrome™ 是一个允许在浏览器中捕获屏幕的Chrome插件(录屏插件)!
要开始使用适用于Google Chrome™的Screen Recorder软件,只需单击“开始捕获”即可开始记录计算机屏幕。录制完视频后,单击“停止捕获”以停止视频。您可以将制作的视频保存到计算机/ Google云端硬盘中。
Google不认可或赞助此Chrome扩展程序。Google Chrome™的屏幕录像机不是Google Inc.的所有者,也不是其许可方,也不是其子公司。

Screen Recorder for Google Chrome™ is a software that allows you to capture and record your computer screen right in the browser!
Use this free screen recorder software to make video recordings / screen recordings directly from the Chrome browser and share these video recordings with your friends/colleagues.

To begin using the software Screen Recorder for Google Chrome™, simply click on “Start Capture” to begin recording your computer screen. Once you have finished recording your video, click on “Stop capture” to stop the video. You can save the video you made onto your computer/Google Drive.

Its simple and easy to use Screen recorder to make video tutorials/software help videos etc and much more.

Screen Recorder for Google Chrome™ v1.0.9


Screen Recorder for Google Chrome™ v1.1.1.0
