• AD: 本站为第三方谷歌浏览器插件推荐网站,非Google Chrome官方网站。(我们不是采集型网站,而是费时费力的人工筛选推荐Chrome中好用的插件)

谷歌浏览器插件Postlight Reader 阅读辅助插件 让网页阅读更加干净清爽

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Postlight Reader
Postlight Reader
Postlight Reader
Postlight Reader
Postlight Reader 是一款网页阅读优化的插件,消除了广告和干扰,只留下文本和图像,在每个站点上都能保持清晰一致的阅读视图。








Postlight Reader – Clear away the clutter from all of your articles. Instantly.
The Postlight Reader extension for Chrome removes ads and distractions, leaving only text and images for a clean and consistent reading view on every site.

– Disable surrounding webpage noise and clutter with one click
– Send To Kindle functionality
– Adjust typeface and text size, and toggle between light or dark themes
– Quick keyboard shortcut (Cmd + Esc for Mac users, Alt + ` for Windows users) to switch to Reader on any article page
– Printing optimization
– Sharing through Facebook, Twitter and Email

Postlight Reader v8.0.0.0


Postlight Reader v9.0.0.0


Postlight Reader v10.0.0.0
