• AD: 本站为第三方谷歌浏览器插件推荐网站,非Google Chrome官方网站。(我们不是采集型网站,而是费时费力的人工筛选推荐Chrome中好用的插件)

谷歌浏览器插件Dark Theme for Chrome 夜间主题模式

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Dark Theme for Chrome可以为你的浏览器在天黑后自动切换到夜间模式。

Night Shift – Apply Dark Theme for Chrome. Black Mode for every site
Night Shift automatically shifts the colors of your browser content to warmer end of the color spectrum after dark
⚡ You need to refresh all the tabs, which were opened BEFORE the Night Shift was installed. You can also restart the Chrome to refresh all the tabs at once. Otherwise, Night Shift will work only with the newly opened tabs.

⚡In accordance with the Chrome Browser policies, Night Shift is restricted to work on the Chrome Web Store and Home Page.
Please open any other website (for example, google.com) after installing this extension and check the extension in action.

Dark Theme for Chrome v1.0.2


Dark Theme for Chrome v1.0.20
